Unlock a World of Well-Being

woman holding a tibetan singing bowl with incense burning

Qigong monthly membership for just $37 per month.

Qigong energizes the body and calms the mind. With daily practice it is effective in preventing  disease by strengthening the immune system and clearing energy blockages. Inner peace and inner strength are developed. Qigong is thousands of years old, yet it remains the perfect natural health system for the challenges of modern life.

Your Monthly Membership Includes….

young woman watching a prerecorded yoga class

On Demand Video Library

Dive into a vast and diverse selection of recorded classes that cater to your preferences and needs. With hundreds of sessions available, you can choose from various styles, including

Restorative Yoga, Better Backs, Qigong, and my signature 60-Minute Ahimsa Yoga Class.

Practice at your own pace, anytime and anywhere, fitting seamlessly into your schedule.

candles burning on a pretty window ledge

Daily Livestream Qigong Community

Elevate your mornings by joining my Daily Livestream Qigong Community, Monday through Friday from 8:30 AM to 9:00 AM (MST).

Immerse yourself in a transformative daily practice that combines mindful, silent, and fluid movements with focused breathing. This meditative ritual sets the stage for a harmonious day ahead. No more excuses for missing out on meditation and movement – all you need is a Wi-Fi connection and a bit of space to move.